empowering students to move in the direction of their dreams

tap to explore a dream
3,577 Dreams
28 Countries
169 Organizations
239 Leaders

10 Lessons—583 Social-Emotional Learning Alignments


is to move students around the world in the direction of their dreams together.

Why: paying attention

Teaching students to pay attention to and act on what really matters to them in collaboration with others is our hope for the future.

Working with tens of thousands of students in 43 states of the USA and in 38 other countries, Jeffrey Harlan, the founder of Dreamline, has seen the power and reach of inviting students to express and connect their dreams.

How: alignment

Through a simple powerful program that works everywhere and with every age. We align dreams with values, actions with dreams, and people who want to make a difference.

Countries where Jeffrey Harlan has worked with teachers and students to express and connect their dreams.

EXPRESS Values & Dreams

STUDENTS of any age create individual cloth Dreamline Banners, using art and words to express personal values, their dreams to share with the world, and hashtags to connect with others.

SHARE Globally & Locally

TEACHERS attach each Dreamline Banner to a line, creating a physical Dreamline to display locally, then they use the Dreamline World app to share student art, voice and hashtags globally. Dreamline TechTags make physical Banners smartphone readable, connecting cloth to voice, map and more online.

SCHOOLS affirm and celebrate their students’ dreams with local Dreamline exhibitions and events, building community awareness of what matters and showing students their voices are heard.

GET INSPIRED: see, hear, read, and learn

Explore our Gallery or download our app for iPhone or Android . Be inspired and uplifted by students from 5 to 20—from Texas to Tanzania.

Discover what happens when we align dreams with values around the world and find out more about the Dreamline story on our blog, IMPACT.

GET INVOLVED: align your passion

We'll align you with Dreamline people, information, and opportunities to follow your passion. Stay informed, find out about volunteering in your area, or sign up with students.

Our annual program is open to any adult-led group anywhere in the world.

GIVE: build the dreams

OUR GOAL is to give this experience to 12 MILLION STUDENTS — creating a Dreamline than can literally reach from New York to San Francisco — 12 million individual student dreams aligned with values and actions.

Our program relies on dedicated educators who support their students and donors who support Dreamline.

Contributions are to Cloud Cloth Education, the US 501(c)(3) nonprofit that runs Dreamline.

Below are supporters who got us off the ground with our Kickstarter and set us on our way with our GoFundMe campaign. We need you to keep going…

Our gratitude goes to...


Anne Keiser, Washington, DC Murray Abramsky, New York, NY Kathryn Fuller, Washington, DC with Robert Wood Johnson Foundation matching gift, Princeton, NJ

Featured Sponsors

Krista and Richard Pinola, Philadelphia, PA Daniel and Sarah Harlan, Shanghai, CHINA Jeffrey and Dale Garson, Ardmore, PA Sandra Crow, Wayne, PA Anonymous (2)


Dry Family Foundation Richard and Tina Aplenc Bob Machado William & Marjorie Kriebel Foundation Kathy Justi Andrew Houriet Mary Pat McFarland Ron Carleton Jill Feighan Deb, Nick & Dan Murphy


Lisa Webster Alex Laties Andrew Connally Brenda Shields David Marshall Donna Lindner Meg Ryan Olivia Pi-Sunyer Patricia Voigt Tony Wagner ...and many more